Surgery of the Soul – Healing the Whole Person: Spirit, Mind and Body. — Dr. William Standish Reed
Price: $12 per copy
A life-changing book, speaking of the power of Christian prayer in the procedure room and our daily lives.
Other books by Dr. Reed:
A Doctor’s Thoughts on Healing
Poetic Thoughts of Life and Hope (Amazon)
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There are many more great books in addition to the ones on this list. These books are fundamental in the healing ministry. We give a big ‘Thank You’ to Rev. Kay Lowther for his help in compiling this list and for his comments and recommendations.
God’s Creative Power for Healing - Charles Capps
Christian Book Distributers (CBD) or Amazon in packs of 10 (great for handing out)
“Most important book besides the Bible” - Rev. Kay Lowther
Faith and Confession - Charles Capps - Amazon
Great book for getting your mouth straight and in gear with your spirit.
Essential Guide to Healing: Equipping All Christians to Pray for the Sick – Bill Johnson & Randy Clark - Amazon
The process of ministering healing, a blocking and tackling 101.
“Two of the best books I’ve seen.” – Rev. Kay Lowther
Christ the Healer – F.F. Bosworth & Robert Bosworth - CBD or Amazon
Foundational book, everyone who is in the ministry of healing should read it.
The Power to Heal - Francis MacNutt - Amazon
The Healing REAwakening - Francis MacNutt - Amazon
Francis McNutt was an expert in the healing ministry
Deliverance and Inner Healing - John Loren Sandford, Elijah House - Amazon
John’s book addresses deep and difficult theological issues, and he makes a clear distinction between deliverance from demons and inner healing of spiritual wounds.
The Healing Light - Agnes Sanford - Amazon
This is an essential book for anyone interested in the correlation between spiritual healing with Christian insights. Agnes Sanford is considered to be one of the principle founders of the Inner Healing movement.
New Testament Healing - Rev. Peter Ostrander - Amazon
This book will help you learn more about Christian healing, encourage you to receive ministry, and prepare you to reach out to others.
The Legacy of Faith - Rev. Kay Lowther - Amazon
For AudioBook send reqeust to Ekklesia Ministries at
Kay’s book includes testimonies of healings personally experienced in his ministry, tied to several Biblical miracles, with teachable scriptures. The intent of the book is to teach.
Healing the Sick: A Living Classic - T. L. Osborn - Amazon
This has been acclaimed around the world to be a modern-day classic on divine healing. Absolutely fundamental for learning God’s plan for healing.
Healed of Cancer - Dodie Osteen - Amazon
Healing Scriptures - youtube Video - extended YouTube Video - website
Dodie was miraculously healed from terminal cancer and was called into a special ministry of prayer and compassion. She has touched millions of lives.
Christian Healing: A Practical & Comprehensive Guide - Canon Mark Pearson - Amazon
Pearson maintains that God makes His healing power available to us in a variety of ways, including through the prayers of Christians, through the spiritual gifts God has given the church, through the rites, clergy, and sacraments of the church, and through skill and science – doctors, therapists. We need to embrace all four streams to form the mighty river God intended.
To Heal the Sick - Charles & Frances Hunter - Amazon
This book is plain and simple to understand and ties the promises of God to the miracles of God.
The Miracle Book - Morris Cerullo - Amazon
Morris is the last survivor of the healing evangelists. “God would not have put so many promises in His written Word that require divine intervention if He did not plan to manifest Himself to us through miracles.” Morris was the founder of The Inspiration Network (INSP), a Christian TV network.
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