Thank you for your support.

Your donations help us to continue to offer our annual Healing Conference and bring in powerful, spirit-filled speakers, workshop leaders, and worship leaders.

For donations of $10.00 or more (ministry or scholarship),
you will receive a complementary copy of
Dr. Reed’s book Surgery of the Soul.



Donate to either The Healing Center Ministry or to our Scholarship Fund (fully tax-deductible).

Donate to Ministry



Donate by Physical Mail by following the steps below (fully tax-deductible):

  • Make checks out to The Healing Center

  • Send checks to the physical address below: The Healing Center, 3602 Corrotoman Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23060

Support our Scholarship Fund

Marjorie Cook and Kay Reed Scholarship Fund

Consider becoming a sponsor for those who may not have the funds to attend our conferences. We consider first time attendees in need of support first. This may be a practical way to bear one another's burdens and see blessings flow from our Father to those who have been called to attend.

Donate to Scholarship Fund